So you can’t make her cum. Her pussy is harder to solve than a rubix cube. She’s frustrated, you’re frustrated, and nobody is having any fun.
You need help, and you’ve come to the right place dear reader. When I’m done with you, your girlfriend will be screaming your name, and you’ll be whispering thanks to mine.
So without further ado, let’s get started!

The Basics Of Getting Your Girlfriend To Cum
Let’s start with the basics. Boys, listen to me. This is going to blow some of your minds, but an orgasm isn’t the goal of sex!

I know, take a minute, catch your breath. But I’m serious. Sex is fun for it’s own sake! It’s an opportunity for you and your partner to grow closer together, and just enjoy each other. An orgasm is great, don’t get me wrong, but just messing around with each other with no destination in mind can be a lot of fun!
And that’s the goal, no pressure, relaxed, fun! Don’t treat the orgasm as a mission. It’s not the be all end all. It’s not something that should be forced (unless you’re into forced orgasms, but that’s a whole different topic). Instead of just tackling things head on, try easing into it. That might be all you need.
Now, while on the subject of keeping things laid back, try and help her relax. Set the mood, play a cool seventies groove (or whatever music works for you) in the background, light some candles, dim the lights, do whatever you think will help her (and you) get in the mood. Another important thing while on this subject, that a lol of guys (in my experience) seem to miss, keep it warm! Nothing turns me off faster than being cold, and I’m not the only one.
Don’t touch me with cold hands, please! Just as a general PSA, cold hands are quite literally the opposite of hot. So remember that. And last point while on this subject, let your girl keep her socks on. Warm feet will go a long way to getting her in the right headspace (and foot rubs can help too!)
The Key is Foreplay
So, you have everything ready, the mood is set, her asshole is washed, you’re not rushing into anything, what now?
Foreplay. I know it’s basically what I said earlier, but we’re going to go into more detail here.
Like I said, you’re doing this because it’s fun. This is your opportunity to let your hands roam.
Squeeze and caress those soft bits you’ve been staring at all night, lick and kiss and bite, let yourself go!
This is where the passion should be. The excitement. She’s beautiful and you want to put your hands all over her.

And while doing so, pay attention to her! When she sighs, or moans, or twitches, her body is telling you what it likes, so pay attention! For example, a bite to the neck for me personally, it makes me melt. I promise she has weak spots too.
And that’s the fun part of sex! Finding what reduces her to a mindless moaning puddle of a person. I know, I know, you want to get your dick involved immediately, but trust me here, the build up is absolutely worth the pay out. Sex isn’t just about penetration, every little touch and sigh is what it’s all about.
Okay, so let’s review. You’re taking your time, you’ve set the mood, you’re going all in on the foreplay, is it finally time to get to the kitty? Yes, dear reader, yes it is.
The Clit is your new Queen

Now, all bits of her anatomy are important, but when it comes to cumming, there are two places that reign supreme. Those would be her clit and her g spot. The clit is obvious, it’s that little bean up too on her kitty.
The g spot is on the inside, on the roof of her kitty. These two are her best friends, and if you want her to cum, they should be yours too. But first, Let’s start with the clit.
She’s easy to find, and easy to please.
There are several ways to go about pleasing her. All you need is your finger really. Pressure isn’t really needed here. A lot of guys want to really bear down, but that’s not needed. See this sentence right here? Highlight it on your phone. That’s all the pressure you really need. Trust me, a light touch goes a long way.
Now, how to touch it?
Experiment a little and see what she likes, but let me make a few recommendations to you. For me personally, little circles are the way to go.
Not to fast (the right speed will come with practice), not to hard, pretty much slow and steady to win the race. Pay the right attention to her clit, and she’ll be cumming in no time. But wait! We’re not done with the clit. You have a tongue too. Get your mouth involved too. Circle the clit with the tip of your tongue, same as with your finger.
Let your tongue go limp, and move your head up and down while keeping in contact with her kitty.
Or suck on the clit (lightly) while swirling your tongue around it. Any or all of these should be enough to have her screaming.

Don’t forget Her G-Spot
Now, onto the g spot. She’s a little harder to find, but well worth the search. The easiest way is to stick your finger inside, and curl it up and back towards yourself, in a kind of come hither motion. If you’re doing it right, you should be able to feel the g spot, it’s kind of like a little spot of different texture. Once you feel that spot, you know you’re in the right place.
Now, any one of these techniques should do the trick, but want to know a secret? You can combine them! A finger on her g spot and a tongue on her clit, double the pleasure means that orgasm is going to come in faster and harder. And when that happens, you can thank me for the advice. Now get out there and make her cum!